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Science is the systematic and organised study into the world around us which allows us to gain a deeper and often more useful understanding.

We endeavour to highlight the importance of developing pupils as individuals, contributors to society, and contributors to the economy and environment, by fulfilling the following aims

  • To stimulate and interest and enjoyment of science.
  • To provide science knowledge and skills.
  • To develop practical skills, including the use of ICT and the evaluation of experimental results.
  • To encourage an appreciation of the part played by science in social, economic, and environmental and technological fields.

We also use every opportunity to enhance the learning experiences for the pupils by going on trips or having visitors to the school.  

Key Stage 3

Years 8, 9 and 10 are given a broad introduction to all areas of science, from Health and Safety in our laboratories to studying, for example, materials, water, the earth and space, chemicals and compounds, and basic physics and biology.  We make use of practical work to demonstrate scientific theory wherever possible.

Key Stage 4

Pupils studying science at Key Stage 4 can choose between Single and Double Award Science, at Foundation or Higher Tier.  We follow the CCEA specification. The course builds on knowledge gained at Key Stage 3 and provides a much more in-depth study of chemistry, physics, and biology.  Practical laboratory work again plays a large part.

The course is modular with written examinations held in February and June, and practical chemistry, physics and biology examinations in May.

Occupational Studies

We also offer courses in GCSE Agriculture, BTEC Horticulture, and Occupational Studies Animal & Plant Care at Key Stage 4.  The BTEC and Occupational Studies are GCSE equivalent qualifications.