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Learning for Life and Work

Key Stage 3

In Learning for Life and Work pupils will study 3 main areas:

Local and Global Citizenship
Pupils will learn to become responsible citizens and will understand the rights and responsibilities of citizens of Northern Ireland.  They will develop attitudes of tolerance, understanding, loyalty and respect for those around them.

Personal Development
Pupils will be made aware of risks to their own personal safety and will be encouraged to make decisions that will encourage a healthy, responsible life style.  

Pupils will cultivate the personal skills and qualities that will prepare them for work in an ever changing world of work.

Key Stage 4

GCSE Learning for Life and Work 

GCSE Learning for Life and Work (CCEA specification) is offered as an option choice for Year 11 pupils.  Students complete 2 units of study in Year 11 and a further 2 units in Year 12.

Unit 1: Local and Global Citizenship

  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Rights and responsibilities
  • Government and civil society
  • Democratic institutions
  • Democracy and active participation
  • The role of NGOs

1 hr external written examination - 20% of final mark

Unit 2: Personal Development

  • Personal health and well-being
  • Emotions and reactions to life experiences
  • Relationships and sexuality
  • Personal safety and well-being
  • Responsible parenting
  • Making informed financial decisions

1 hr external written examination - 20% of final mark

Unit 3: Employability

  • The impact of globalisation on employment
  • Preparing for employment
  • Rights and responsibilities of employers and employees
  • Social responsibility of businesses
  • Exploring self-employment
  • Personal career management

1 hr external written examination - 20% of final mark

Unit 4: Controlled Assessment

Pupils complete one controlled assessment which is worth 40% of the course. They will complete one task from a choice of three which have been set by CCEA.  The pupils and class teacher will decide which of the tasks will be completed.

The task involves planning, carrying out research, presenting findings, and complete a presentation of the work.

Internally assessed - 40% of final mark